Underbite Jaw Surgery: The 6 Month Update


It's been just over half a year since my surgery, can you actually believe it? Insane.  
To be honest with you there is not a lot of things I can update you with but what I can tell you is that I am so happy with the results and will never regret the decision I made to have the surgery done.

Brace Free! 
Firstly and most importantly I am finally brace free after 11 years of retainers, train tracks and surgeries. I've had my braces off for about a month now which is the most amazing feeling but also some what unexpected. I went for what I thought was a check-up to come back with fresh and free teeth. I'm now planning to go through a series of teeth whitening treatments as I feel that after suffering for 11 years of braces my teeth deserve to look the best they possibly can. 

Swelling and Numbness: 

I was looking at my face this morning and I hadn't even realised that all the swelling is mostly gone. I do have the odd day when the swelling balloons up due to stress or tiredness but I think that is just part of the recovery. As I mentioned last time any numbness has completely gone and I have full feeling in all parts of my face which is amazing and I'm so thankful for. I know this surgery has become increasingly more common but that however doesn't mean that this risk of life numbness decreases and to know that I have made a full recovery makes me so proud

Eating & drinking:

Now I am brace free I can literally eat whatever takes my fancy. I don't have any problems chewing tough meat now and I have been crunching into several juicy apples on my lunch breaks. Who knew eating an apple could be so satisfying.

Stretching & pain:

I can once again fit my whole fist in my mouth (channelling my inner Karen Smith) meaning that my mouth stretching is at its peak. Any pain is non-existent and I really do feel great.
I'm medical terms after six months you are deemed as fully recovered and I honestly can say that I do feel recovered and better than ever. I cannot praise the work off the amazing surgeons and now I no longer have to wear train tracks this incredible journey is at an end and I feel so honoured to have been able to share it with you all, so thank you. 

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