Amsterdam Wishlist.


Amsterdam Wishlist.

Next month I am flying over to Amsterdam for 5 days with my boyfriend and naturally like any other girl on the planet I feel the need to splurge on tonnes of new clothing and accessories that I don't even need especially when I'm meant to be saving.. But of course polyvore strikes again and now almost half of these items are on their way to me (NOT EVEN FEELING GUILTY.)

It's quiet weird actually that when I put together this cute collage it wasn't until completion that I discovered I've got a serious love affair with nudes at current. I'm not sure whether it's because of Kim K in her nude latex number or the fact that every item I see in the shop is now camel and pink toned that the trend is working it's way into my head and I don't even like pink?

In terms of myself.. well I've been crazily studying towards my theory test and working like no tomorrow.  I've decided that in order to get my life together I am going to try to convert into fashion retail, study a post graduate diploma in Public Relations and apply for as many internships/apprenticeships as possible. Even though I have a degree I just don't have enough public relations experience and it's driving me crazy. But as Marta says "Never give up, and be confident in what you do. There may be tough times, but the difficulties which you face will make you more determined to achieve your objectives and to win against all the odds."

Quotes are so inspiring to me and I will push everyday until I get exactly what I need and want from my life. 

Happy Sunday y'all!

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